The Corporate Fund "Biodiversity Conservation Fund of Kazakhstan", within the framework of the project "Increasing the efficiency of management of specially protected natural areas of the Western Tien Shan, stage II", financed by the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF), held the third meeting of the Regional Committee of the Serial Transboundary UNESCO World Heritage Site "Western Tien Shan", April 25 in the city of Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.
The meeting was attended by Kylyshbaev Nurlan Nauryzovich - Chairman of the Committee for Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Specially Protected Natural Territories under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Ecology and environmental protection, as well as representatives of international organizations such as CEPF, GIZ, UNESCO, IUCN, and WWF Central Asia. The meeting discussed the issue of creating a transboundary biosphere reserve on the basis of the WHS "Western Tien Shan". It was decided to consider this issue within each country.
In the period from April 26 to 28, with the financial support of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, a seminar was held to improve the skills of employees of specially protected natural areas of three republics, namely the Sairam-Ugam National Park, Aksu-Zhabagly and Karatau reserves, Sary-Chelek biosphere reserve , Besh-Aral and Padyshatinsky reserves, Chatkal biosphere reserve, and Ugam-Chatkal biosphere reserve. Seminars were held on topics such as Regional Management Plan, IUCN Green List, and Fundraising. In general, the seminar was fruitful, in an atmosphere of openness, friendship and cooperation.
Third meeting of the Regional Committee of the "Western Tien Shan"
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- Written by Нурдаулет Самен
- Category: News
- Hits: 1706